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Published on 15/06/16

Hillary Clinton has been announced as the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate thisHilary-Clinton-1400x885 week. She has beaten Bernie Sanders and will now go up against notorious Donald Trump later this year in the American Presidential elections. Clinton is the first woman to reach this far in an American major party; which many have seen as a great milestone in feminism. Some have said that Clinton's success should be celebrated as a progression in gender equality even if you disagree with her policies.
Heavy fighting has been reported on the Eritrean-Ethiopian border. It is not clear why the fighting has erupted but relations between the two states have been very tense over recent years following a cease fire in their conflict in 1998-2000 which left 80,000 people dead and the situation "in neither war nor peace".

The 'greatest fighter in history' Muhammad Ali has died this week after a long struggle with Parkinson's Disease. The boxer was a fighter in and out of the ring, he was committed to social and political issues facing Black Americans during their Civil Rights Movement. His death has been mourned worldwide, his memorial service was attended by thousands in his home town in Louisville , Kentucky on Friday.


The series of attacks in Bangladesh has resulted this week in a major police crackdown on suspected Islamic Extremists. So far, 900 people have been arrested in connection with the recent attacks or as suspected future perpetrators, however many of these people have been arrested to make them give evidence against the real suspects.

7503154-3x2-340x227At the Euro 2016 Football Competition in France, Russia has been given a final warning that if its fans are involved in any more violence, the football team will be disqualified from the competition. There has been many violent fights between fans, often initiated by groups of Russian fans who have come to the competition with the purpose of engaging in fighting. Many English fans have been involved in the violence too, the English football side has appealed to them not to be drawn into any more fighting.