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Published on 04/12/17

Year 7 put their iPads into action in our Senior School new building as part of their latest project day.

All of our Year 7 students at the Senior School undertook an exciting cross-curricular project day organised by the Design Engineering, Visual Arts and Science departments examining Patterns and Symbols.

Engineering Design DayStudents learnt all about the binary number system used in computing, pendulums and curves, and the paths of circles called cycloids.

They used sand and tripods to generate patterns, learnt about drawing the perfect circle and bilateral drawing systems, and programming slides using iPads and keynote.


Engineering Design DayThe culmination of the day saw the whole year group gathered in the new sports hall to generate a 'ticker tape challenge' sending a phrase along the year group. 

Engineering Design Day





 It was an interactive and enlightening day but most of all it was hugely enjoyable! 


Find out more about how digital learning functions as part of our learning toolkit here