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Published on 19/11/18

Dame Bradbury's embraced the theme of Anti-Bullying Week 2018 and learnt valuable lessons about choosing respect and appreciating diversity.

Anti-Bullying Week did not pass by unnoticed at Dame Bradbury's. The start of the week and its theme of “Choose Respect” were marked by the wearing of odd socks by pupils, staff and parents alike, joining in the launch of this national theme week. Mrs Graham spoke in Monday’s assembly about the importance of recognising and appreciating diversity, an ignorance of which is often a cause of bullying.

The theme ran through our PSHEE lessons too, with investigations, reflections and role play all featuring. Pupils were asked to think critically to decide what they would do in some tricky situations involving bullying. All pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 across the Stephen Perse Foundation also completed our anti-bullying survey, which gave us a clearer idea of their understanding and perceptions of bullying and what they think we could do better or differently to help. It was great to feel everyone pulling together to do what we can to deal effectively with bullying, and really embracing the theme of the week. 

All of the pupils learnt a lot throughout the week, and these lessons are ones that they will continue to use, even after the end of Anti-Bullying Week.  

Check out the photos here

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