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Published on 21/11/18

Year 1 pupils from Dame Bradbury's spent the day learning about rocks and archaeology at Saffron Walden Museum. 

Year 1 had a brilliant time at Saffron Walden Museum last Thursday, as part of their 'Digging Down' topic. They started the day with a fascinating workshop about the rock cycle. The children got to see how a rock could start off as an igneous rock on the inside of a volcano and journey to become a sedimentary rock on the ocean floor! They also worked as a team to squash different layers of grated crayon together to create our own sedimentary rock. 

Year 1 learn about the layers of the earth

Next the children each had a turn at using magnifying glasses to look at the details of different types of rocks and even some fossils.

A pupil looks at a fossil through a magnifying glass

After learning lots at the workshop, it was time for the children to explore the rest of the museum. They especially looked at the artefacts that archaeologists had discovered in the Saffron Walden area. Year 1 were fascinated to see items that had been dug up after thousands of years in the ground. They even got to have a go at being archaeologists themselves! It was a hugely interesting day which everyone really enjoyed!

The pupils dig for artefacts in sand

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