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Published on 13/12/18

A fantastic photo exhibition from Year 6 Photography Club at the Stephen Perse Junior School. 

On Tuesday 11 December, Year 6 Photography Club members held an exhibition. The Junior School library was buzzing with excitement as people flocked to see their work.

“The exhibition looks awesome. I want to be in it.” Ellie Y3

This term Photography Club focused on the work of the artist Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement. They were then inspired to create their own versions, in the style of his work.

“I really liked the way the photos popped!” Phoebe Y6

Each student worked hard to take a ‘selfie’ that was clearly in focus and they had to ensure that their face filled the frame. Then they experimented using the tools on the iPad, namely changing the colour, the light and experimenting with filters.

“I found that the different shadows affect how the selfies looked.” Emily Y5.

Parents enjoyed visiting the exhibition too.

“Amazing to see how photos can be manipulated – makes you wonder how magazines change images.” Ms Eaton, a parent

No doubt families will be busy finding the perfect spot at home to display these fine works. 



Check out the photos here.

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