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Published on 08/02/19

Stephen Perse 6th Form College students enjoyed participating in a Modern Foreign Languages debate. 

On Tuesday 5 February, 16 students from the Stephen Perse 6th Form College took part in the sixth edition of the Modern Foreign Languages regional inter-school debating competition. The competition has become very popular with students as it provides an excellent opportunity to prepare for public examinations. The competition is also a stimulating experience for all involved (including teachers!) and a great motivational activity for pupils both during the preparation time and on the day of the competition itself. 

Here's what some of our students participating thought:

"I think the experience was very worth while. It wasn't scary, all the other teams and judges were very supportive and just wanted you to do your best and enjoy it. It really helped me in terms of the speed, spontaneity, and confidence when speaking in France." - Grace, Year 12

"I found the debate really valuable in learning to think on my feet and also how to form strong arguments quickly. They also force you to speak in another language, which can be valuable when inexperienced." - Betty, Year 12

"This experience has been very educational and inspiring. The debate has really helped me with my Spanish speaking skills and I am really glad I took part. I would definitely recommend it to anyone studying languages." - Katya, Year 12

6th Form MFL debate

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