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Published on 01/03/19

Pupils at Dame Bradbury's enjoyed learning about the Zambezi Sunrise Trust. 

On Thursday 28 February, Joanne and John from the Zambezi Sunrise Trust came to Dame Bradbury’s to talk to our Year 1 and 2 pupils about the children they help in Zambia, Africa. They shared some lovely photos of children enjoying a selection of books that were donated by our very own Lily, in Year 1.

Zambezi Sunrise Trust talk

The children were shown photographs of some homes and schools in Zambia and saw how vital the work of this charity is in providing support for future generations. One school that the charity supports used to contain 470 children (from seven different year groups) in one room and needed money for vital repairs.

Zambezi Sunrise Trust talk

We hope to make further links with this charity as we know how important education is in solving global problems and helping to achieve many of the UN sustainable goals.

Zambezi Sunrise Trust talk

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