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Published on 10/06/19

Earlier this term we invited the NSPCC to our Pre-Prep and Junior School to deliver their ‘Speak out, stay safe’ programme, which included an assembly giving pupils the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse and neglect. The NSPCC teach children to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or to Childline.

The NSPCC volunteers also ran workshops for pupils in Years 5 & 6, during which they explored the definitions of abuse in greater depth. These pupils took part in engaging exercises, including looking at different scenarios and deciding whether they are “OK or not OK”.

As a thank you to the NSPCC for their visit, we held a sponsored ‘Dance-a-thon’ at both City and Madingley, which raised the incredible grand total of £3,426.36! We extend our sincere thanks to everyone across the SPF community, especially parents, for their generous sponsorship which has enabled us to support the NSPCC in keeping children safe across the UK.