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Published on 14/10/19

By Genevieve

At the start of the Autumn term Year 6 students were asked if they would like to be a House or Games captain.

Many year sixes put themselves forward but unfortunately not everyone got the responsibility. As a house or games captain there are a lot of responsibilities such as leading your House into the sports day battle against other Houses, choosing a charity, house assemblies and helping the lead teacher of your House. Recently the House and games captains have been working on a presentation for their House to persuade their House members to vote for their particular choice of charity. As a House captain myself this is tricky because there are lots of great charities around the world so it is hard to choose just one. Rosedale House captains will be presenting their charity speech to their House on the afternoon of Monday 14 October 2019. While the captains will be trying to win people's votes it is not a competition against other House and games captains. All the charities that people are choosing are all great charities and therefore we should put money towards all of them, but the one that gets voted by the most number of pupils in their House will be the one we raise money for, so good luck to all houses and charities. Lets get fundraising!