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Published on 10/01/20

By Zoe

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Have you ever wondered what the UN stands for, or what the development goals are? If you have, you have come to the right place. For a start, the UN stands for the United Nations who help the world become a peaceful and better place for everybody and everything. 

During WW2, many of the fighting countries organised the UN for they wanted to prevent future conflict and help world tranquillity. The society was, and still is, successful and continues to make our planet a happier one. Deciding what they do by holding meetings and discussing ideas, the UN really does make an influence. The organisation continues to thrive as they listen to all the countries opinions for they believe that different countries have different opinions and every opinion counts. 

Establishing the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the UN has covered many issues from poverty and social well-being to climate change and economic growth. Improving the lives of just one person means that other people who live on the surface of the world can be affected. The UN want to solve international problems so that the world can glow with peace, justice and happiness. 

Peace, justice and strong institution is important, not only because it holds back conflict, but also because it holds communities, countries and the whole world together. If there was no peace and justice, there would be no happiness, if there was no happiness there is nothing to feel great about, if there was nothing to feel great about, there is no point of any kind of feeling, for feeling great is the best feelings fall. Life gives you sorrow, not to always feel it, but to see the brighter side of situations. 

Linking to conflict and peace, our topic for this term is called Sticks and Stones. In English we have been reading different books about conflict such as Malala: my story for standing up for girls rights, War Game and Billy the Kid. However, in Humanities, we have been studying war in Syria and the Global Peace Index. This is all promoting our understanding of what kind of conflict is going on around us and how we can get a better intelligence of it. 

We can all help by making an effort to know what is going on so we can know what to do. Making our voices heard, letting the world know our opinions and reporting any conflict are just some of the ways we can help. Also, you can do the right thing so that other people can follow your example. By doing this, everybody will be doing the right thing in no time. Don’t let other people’s opinions change yours, especially if it sounds wrong. By doing all these things, peace and justice will thrive.