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Published on 04/02/20

In their Art lesson on January 30, ten Year 10 students, with Mrs Wilshaw and Ms Dilorenzo, visited an installation titled, “24 Portraits: Recovering and Reimagining Women’s Labour”, by artist Emma Copley at the Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge.

The installation included painted portraits on perspex of women who currently work in all areas of the Department of Pathology at the University of Cambridge including laboratory managers, academics, cleaners, lecturers, administrators and technicians. Her aim is to celebrate and address the representation of women working in all types of jobs in the department.

 This exhibition was a site-specific installation and Emma kindly agreed to meet us to answer questions that students had regarding how the piece was made and what it was about. Because students’ are currently exploring printmaking and painting in their Fine Art rotation, this piece of work was a fascinating insight into processes of relevance to their own course. They even learned how to make black from the primary colours and understood the problem solving that an artist needs to go through to create a successful piece of artwork.

Tagged  Art  Visual Arts  Year 10