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Published on 15/02/21

Year 12 art students Sarah M and Lily R visited the Curwen Print Study Centre in Cambridge to gain a deeper understanding of a variety of printmaking techniques by having the opportunity to work with an array of specialised printing equipment.

The Curwen Centre is an educational, fine art printmaking charity running courses for all ages and abilities. Sarah and Lily spent a week at the centre learning more about techniques such as lithography, monoprinting, letter press, adana press and gelli printing. The visit has enabled them to develop their knowledge and incorporate their new found skills into their A Level art projects.

Sarah commented “I personally found the trip to the Curwen print studio a memorable experience as I was able to learn so many new forms of printing as well as techniques I did not know existed. The staff were very thoughtful and passionate about teaching us, which encouraged us to do our best. They thoroughly guided us through each medium, but also allowed us to experiment to help us learn from our mistakes.

Each day at the workshop we learnt something new. Throughout each process, I was able to learn new vocabulary which helped widen my knowledge as well as the history of how these mediums came about and how much they have developed throughout the years. Overall, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to visit the Curwen and gain these valuable learning experiences.”

Lily's experience of the visit to the Curwen centre can also be read below: