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Published on 11/08/21

Last term, Year 8 students took part in the Stephen Perse Year 8 Science Festival. This year’s theme was energy and students worked in groups to complete a two week project that is related to either Biology, Chemistry or Physics.

There were a large variety of suggested research questions to choose from ranging from investigating respiration in maggots, how to generate hydrogen using electrolysis, to making a generator powered by a hamster wheel. Each group also presented their methods, results and evaluation at the end of the project. The following students were awarded prizes for the best presentation in each class:

8A: Keona, Scarlett, Iris and Sascha

8G: Naomi, Daisy T, Analena and Neha

8H: Daisy B, Martha, Phoebe and Emily W

8P: Harry, George N and Daniel

8R: James E, Matthew E and Kostas

8S: Luqa, George F, Noah and Leonardo

Their presentations are available to watch here:

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Many thanks to the science teachers who were involved and the science technicians for providing the students with the equipment and help throughout the two weeks.