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Published on 24/11/21

The report of the recent Independent Schools Inspection that took place at the Stephen Perse Foundation on 12-15 October 2021 has just been published. Stephen Perse are delighted to report that the key findings in the achievement of the pupils and their academic development was ‘excellent’, the highest judgement possible.

A team of ten inspectors observed lessons, examined pupils' work and undertook formal interviews with pupils, staff (across all departments), the Chair of Governors and the governor with responsibility for Safeguarding. During their time at Stephen Perse, the inspectors visited all schools within the Foundation, including the Stephen Perse Boarding Houses. They observed extra-curricular activities, meetings and assemblies. 

The Regulatory Compliance section of the inspection covered a number of areas, including quality of education, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, welfare, health and safety of our students, suitability of staff, premises and accommodation, provision of information, how complaints are handled, quality of leadership and the management of the schools. The Foundation was judged to be fully compliant in all areas.

The Educational Quality section of the inspection covers two key areas, including the achievement of pupils, including their academic development and personal development. The headline judgements are applied in awarding one of the ISI descriptors which are as follows: ‘excellent’, ‘good, ‘sound’ or ‘unsatisfactory’. The Foundation achieved the highest judgement possible ‘excellent’. 

Inspectors commented: Pupils have excellent attitudes to their studies and engage wholeheartedly in all areas of learning, demonstrating high levels of intellectual curiosity.”  

“Pupils make rapid progress and achieve highly in relation to their abilities as a result of being able to use their own initiative to direct their learning.” 

“Pupils celebrate the inclusivity and diversity of their schools as a result of the high level of mutual respect within the community.” 

“Pupils demonstrate excellent collaborative skills which enable them to flourish in all areas of school life.”

Richard Girvan, Principal of the Stephen Perse Foundation said: “To have received the highest judgement of excellent in both areas within the Educational Quality Inspection is hugely affirming for all of us at the Foundation, and I hope that it is suitably reassuring for parents who have chosen the Foundation for their children. Such a comprehensively positive outcome would not be possible without a dedicated team of governors, teachers and professional support staff who are committed to making the Stephen Perse Foundation a school that continues to offer excellence and creativity in teaching and learning and acknowledges the positivity our students can make to the world, which is at the heart of all our values.”