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Published on 25/01/22

Today I will be talking about the SDGs. The SDGs is an acronym, the acronym SDG means

Sustainable Development Goals. The UN is trying to promote these so they happen as soon as possible. Did you know that the UN has a lot of secrets that they don’t tell anyone. They make decisions between them and do it democratically so that it’s fair and not unfair. The UN is a union where all the countries in the world come together to make worldwide decisions that will help the world with their problems. We need to achieve these goals by 2030. These might be hard but if we try we will succeed. SDG 16 is important because we need them in everyone’s lives so they have a nice life. Goal sixteen is linked to conflict because in conflict you have all of those statements of peace, justice and strong institutions. Peace is linked to conflict because at the end of the war you have peace between the two or more sides. Justice because you can bring a ruler to justice and save the opposition. Strong institutions because you could have a court and if people keep killing they can get put in jail. We can work towards goal sixteen by stopping wars. We can bring more criminals to justice and send more people to prison if they commit a major crime.

The SDGs are

1. No poverty

2. Zero hunger

3. Good health and well-being

4. Quality

5. gender equality

6. Clean water and sanitation

7. Affordable and clean energy

8. Decent work and economic growth.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

10. Reduced inequalities

11. Sustainable cities and communities

12. Responsible consumption and production

13. Climate action

14. Life below the water

15. Life on land

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

17. partnerships for the goals