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Published on 25/02/22

On Tuesday 8 February Year 6 went on a walk in their local area as part of their topic, ‘Stop, Think, Do More’. In this topic they have been learning about settlements and how land is used in the UK. Did you know that only 6% of the land in the UK is built upon? 

Year 6 walked down Fitzwilliam Road, Clarendon Road, Brooklands Avenue and Shaftesbury Road continuing into the business park before returning to school. They surveyed how the land is used.

“We got to learn about our local area which was fascinating since ourYear 6 Stop, Think, Do More topic update move to the Fitzwilliam Building.” commented one pupil.

Whilst another exclaimed, “It surprised me that there was so much plant life considering that so much of Cambridge is built on.”

It was fascinating to take an in-depth look at the roads which we use every day. Year 6 were amazed to discover how much of the local land is used for residential buildings. Did you know there is a church on Shaftesbury Road? Two pupils said: “Reading the map was a challenge which will help us when we go to Snowdonia National Park. It was great to learn how to plot buildings on a map.” 

They also undertook an environmental survey to look at buildings, traffic, open spaces and general quality of living conditions. The results were analysed back at school and differed for each group depending on personal preference. Keep an eye on the Year 6 blog where some of this work will be shared.