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Published on 11/04/22

Studying 'off the page' is central to bringing the ancient world to life, and we've been delighted to be able to return to a vibrant programme of trips.

Year 12 and 13 pupils have been to London to see a Classical Opera, Gluck’s Paride et Elena, which was preceded by a talk on why the image Helen of Troy has endured throughout time and culture.

A joint group of Archaeology Enrichment and Classical Civilisation students have been to the Cast Gallery to take advantage of this unique resource offered by the University of Cambridge; the Year 11 Archaeology Enrichment visited the Fitzwilliam Museum Gold of the Great Steppe Exhibition and the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, where they had a fascinating talk on Anthropology, Archaeology and Identity, led by the museum staff.

More recently, a host of pupils from Year 10-13 attended a talk by Professor Stephen Oakley of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, concerning Aeneas’ role as a hero in the Aeneid.

The department looks forward to a multitude of trips over the summer term and the next academic year, including a trip to Verulamium, and, hopefully, trips to Bath and/or Hadrian’s Wall. Most exciting is the trip to Greece in the Autumn term of 2023, a trip that is currently being planned with the input of pupils across Key Stage3 and Key Stage 4.