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Published on 10/08/22

Following a unit of work on persuasion, the pupils were asked to write a letter to persuade. They had to choose something that they felt strongly about, their letters are below.

Dear Mr Hewlett,

I am writing to you to say that I think that The Stephen Perse Foundation should have class pets, having class pets would make the School a lot more exciting and more fun. Not only are these pets fun to have but if you had a worry the pet could help with anxiety or stress. Whilst having a pet in the classroom you may think that we can’t because it will distract them in their learning time. All of the students can promise you that they will only stroke and play with the pet when the teacher says that they are allowed to.

If we had a pet in each classroom we could set a new role, this role could be called Pet Care. A few students from each two classes and they could feed the pet, we could also change the Pet Carers every term so that most people would have a go to look after one of the pets. Also if someone is having a stressful time at home or they don’t want to talk to a parent, teacher or call childline they could stroke the pet or even stay in at break time to just take a moment to breath and stay calm. Whilst having a pet in the classroom you may think that we can’t because it will distract them in their learning time. All of the students can promise you that they will only stroke and play with the pet when the teacher says that they are allowed to.

Finally I would really appreciate it if we could get a class pet to make most of the children in the school very happy.

Best wishes


Dear Mr Hewlett,

I am writing to you because it has come to my attention that donuts aren’t on the dessert menu on any of the days. This is a very important matter that needs to be made reality by the 14th of June. Who wouldn't want a lovely donut every week?

The first reason why you should introduce donuts to the menu is because they give pupils energy for the rest of the day with just the right amount of sugar. If pupils have a lot of energy then they will work better because if they are tired the level of their work goes down.

Another reason is because they are tasty and cheer you up if you’re feeling bad because you got less marks than you wanted. If they are cheered up then the atmosphere in learning spaces won't be so empty because they will be wanting to work.

For my last reason, if children didn't have donuts for dessert then they would be on an unbalanced diet because you always need some sugar to keep you going.

In conclusion I think that you should bring donuts to the menu because it will lighten up damp moods and up the level of work. What kind of a headteacher wouldn't want that?

Yours sincerely, Iñigo

Dear Mr Shapps,

I am writing to you today to inform you about some changes you should make to the roads in the UK. As you are Transport Minister I am hoping you can make some improvements in the roads and car parks.

My first point is to add more Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points. Currently there are very few charging points so people can’t always take their EVs on long journeys. For example the Peak District doesn’t have very many charging points. EVs are good for the environment and petrol and diesel cars aren’t because they let out CO2. Without a doubt we are running out of both petrol and diesel so we need to start using EVs more.

Also you should let EVs drive in all bus and taxi lanes because this will persuade people to get EVs which will be generally better for the UK. We have one in Cambridge. Loads of people have EVs, think how much better it would be if all bus and taxi lanes were like that? What a great change for the better that would be. Furthermore it will make the air in cities less polluted because more people will drive EVs than petrol and diesel cars.

In conclusion I think that you should add these features to the roads in the UK. They would really change the UK for the better.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mr Hewlett,

I am writing to say that we should have more subjects in the Junior School. I t is evident that this would be good for us, as when we have more subjects we learn more. Lessons could include, for example: Geography, History and more languages than just French and Spanish. It is clear that this is what should happen.

Firstly, having more subjects will increase our knowledge instead of only knowing about certain subjects. Furthermore, this will also prepare us for Senior School where there are more subjects and if we have had lessons for these subjects already (in the Junior School), it would help us in Senior School. There is clear evidence to this argument, as we have learned so much more when we have had new Biology, Physics and Chemistry subjects in Year 6. So, if we had even more subjects it would be even better!

In conclusion, it is very obvious that having some more subjects in the Junior School would help us and prepare us for being in the Senior School.

From Mohan