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Published on 10/08/22

Please click this link for The Sixth Form Curriculum Choices brochure which sets out for students and parents the options available for sixth form study at the Stephen Perse Sixth Form.

However, it is important to also emphasise that preparing for your future is about much more than choosing which assessed curriculum to follow. 

Employers and universities will be looking for candidates who can think beyond what they are taught, can manage their time effectively, are brave, independent, reflective, resourceful and resilient. Candidates who are community minded, kind, principled and busy with activities that they are genuinely interested in. In many ways, what you are interested in is less relevant than the way in which you approach it. Whether it is sport, stamp collecting or Shakespeare sonnets, being able to talk animatedly about your interests and demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and capacity to learn more is highly valued. 

The Stephen Perse Sixth Form is an ideal opportunity to try new things, join new clubs and learn new skills. Developing your leadership skills by joining a committee or the student president team, helping to organise a charity event, running a club, mentoring younger students, joining drama productions, choirs and orchestras are all fun and will help you to learn how to manage your time. 

Sixth form study is challenging. There will be lots of occasions when you will have to step outside of your comfort zone, make mistakes and learn from them. You need to be prepared to be brave enough to get things wrong, offer an opinion, support a viewpoint and challenge the views of others in a mature and respectful manner. You are unlikely to be able to complete every task as perfectly as you would like to. 

These are the times when you need to draw on the support of being part of a community, your friends and importantly your tutor. At the Stephen Perse Sixth Form, tutors have a key role in supporting you academically and pastorally. Tutor groups stay together for both Year 12 and Year 13 and consist of around 12 students that becomes like an extended family. The tutor programme covers all the skills that you will need to prepare you for your sixth form studies, university and beyond: study skills, applying to university, living independently, managing your finances and various other elements of Personal, Health, Social and Economic education are all covered. The tutors are all part of the guidance team and together will support you through the most important stage of your schooling. 

Choosing your sixth form path is an exciting time with lots of decisions to make and different aspects to consider. It will be important for you to seek advice from people that you know, your tutor, teachers, current sixth formers and the sixth form team. Everyone is here to help you make good choices for your future. If you have any questions, please email me! 

Jacqueline Paris

Head of Sixth Form