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Published on 17/10/22

Year 12 Induction activities by Jacq Paris Head of Sixth Form.

The transition from Year 11 to Year 12 is a significant one in any young person's life even if it only involves moving across the road from the Senior School to the Sixth Form site. There are new ideas to explore, new people to meet, new routines, a new tutor and year team.

Students have more freedom to manage their own time and make use of their study periods. They have to learn how to balance their time between the common room and the library.

Academic study becomes much more intense as they have reduced the number of subjects that they are studying and they abandon compulsory subjects for those that they have chosen. Study outside of lessons becomes less directed. Instead of just completing homework tasks, they are expected to read around their subjects, consolidate the learning that has happened in class - to take the initiative and work much more independently.

All this can be daunting and so there are a series of ‘introduction to the sixth form’ events.

The first of these was in July. The new Year 12 students spent the day on site with us, or connected in via Google Meet. They spent time in their tutor groups meeting each other and their tutor and took part in taster lessons in each of their chosen subjects.

The first day of term in September was a second induction day. Inevitably there was a certain amount of admin to do such as issuing iPads, joining Google Classrooms, a tour of the buildings, common rooms and facilities as well as getting to know each other. They also were launched into their first ‘real’ lessons - a first step on a journey that will be over in the blink of an eye.

Friday 9 September was also assigned as an induction day. Having had a few days to get to know each other, the purpose of this day was team building. An opportunity to challenge themselves and to support each other. The year group spent the day at Go Ape in Thetford.

The day consisted of three activities, Team Games, Bamboozled (think Trivial Pursuit with challenges rather than questions) and the Tree Top Challenge. This was a high wire assault course with wobbly ladders, rope swings and zip wires.

The heavens opened just as we arrived and we arrived slightly late due to coach delays but the students showed themselves to be adaptable and undaunted. Their encouragement of each other during the activities and the manner in which they looked out for each other was truly impressive. They took part in the games in the true spirit of competition, both cheering on their teammates and applauding their competitors. All of the tutors at some point in the day commented to me how impressed they were by the students' attitude. Comments with which I fully concur.

The Year 13 students’ president team is organising a buddying system to further support the Year 12s as they settle in and have organised a Winter Formal Dinner for the end of November at The Hilton Hotel.

With such impressive young people in both Years 12 and 13, a return to some semblance of normality post Covid and, with the additional space afforded by the extension of our buildings into Rosedale House, it should be a great year ahead.