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Published on 10/03/23

Junior School Dame Bradbury’s hosted International Languages Week, 6-10 March, to celebrate languages, cultures and the diversity of our global community.

Our pupils travelled ‘Around the World’, visiting different countries within their year groups. Each year group had been learning about a country to represent the culture and language of a pupil from that particular year group. The week's main goal was to raise awareness about language learning and empower the cultural diversity within our community.

Here are the countries the pupils studied:

  • Year 1- Canada
  • Year 2- Japan
  • Year 3- Germany
  • Year 4- Portugal
  • Year 5- Italy
  • Year 6- India

During the week, the whole school community came together and got involved. Here are just a few of the activities undertaken:

  • In lessons, the pupils undertook activities relating to the country they were studying;
  • We had the pleasure of welcoming parent speakers who shared with us information about their home countries;
  • The catering team produced delicious national dishes from around the world;
  • The library had a unique display showcasing a collection of books highlighting the countries being studied.

The week's culmination was on Friday with the international exhibition ‘Expo’, where the pupils from each year group had a stand dedicated to the country they had been studying. The pupils from each year group shared with the rest of the school all they had learnt, including various projects, interactive activities and artefacts.

Everyone at Junior School Dame Bradbury’s had a fantastic week of learning and travelled around the world without leaving our school.

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