Dear parents,
Being relatively new to my post of Head of School, nothing is ‘normal’! Each week, month and newly arriving term brings with it a host of new experiences and challenges which I have been enjoying getting to grips with. Having a super team of teachers, teaching and learning assistants and professional support staff has made my role as enjoyable as it has been. At the beginning of the year I certainly could not have predicted that I would be spending a portion of my first year in post delivering a remote school education.
To reiterate a somewhat overused term, we are experiencing an unprecedented time, I could certainly not envisage that I would be spending my Summer Term in lockdown. We are fortunate within the Foundation that our strategy towards digital education has put us in a strong position to continue to offer our pupils an excellent education. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my team of staff who I know devoted much of the Easter break developing their Summer Term plans and upskilling in various areas ready to deliver their pupil’s education. Needless to say, our current curriculum that is being delivered through live remote teaching will continue to evolve and update. I have been very pleased to receive the positive feedback that has been flooding in from parents but I am also mindful that some have offered some constructive feedback.
I would not like to go as far as saying that I am enjoying working in isolation; I am not missing the daily Cambridge commute and it has been wonderful to be able to spend more time with my family, but I do miss the hustle of working at Rosedale House and Madingley. The energy and enthusiasm that is evident in all areas of our schools is notably missing from my life presently, I am hopeful that we will get back to school before Summer Term is over.
I have been pleased to read, watch and hear about many initiatives that are taking place across our schools. Providing pupils the opportunity to ‘get together’, create, learn and have fun is imperative presently. Whether it’s baking competitions, fitness classes or mass group Minecraft builds, I welcome hearing about these events that sit outside our curriculum. Please continue to send them my way!
I would like to leave you with the news that Sophia (Year 6) has made it through to the national stage of the Rotary’s Young Photography competition. This means that she has already won the local and the district competition.
‘The Rotary Young Photographer competition gives participants the chance to express themselves through photography, interpret the competition’s annual brief in an imaginative way and experiment with digital and traditional methods.’ Here are her winning snaps:
Best wishes,
David Hewlett
Head of Rosedale House and Madingley