Dear Parents,
It has been a celebratory end to the Autumn Term with the children enjoying many opportunities to share all that they have learnt and the skills they have mastered during the last few weeks. From putting their den making skills to the test in a wet and windy forest school session to performing on the stage in front of an audience, the children are recognising the differences between what they could do in September and what they can achieve now.
In our celebration assemblies this week the children reflected on which areas of our learning wheel they had received headteacher’s awards in. Many of our older children felt that their writing and reading skills had significantly improved, whilst our youngest children remembered that their empathy towards other children had been recognised. Morgan in Reception invited children to play her game because she thought they looked lonely. At the end of the assembly the children felt confident knowing what they wanted to improve in 2019.
Last Friday we welcomed all of our Pre-Prep families to the Senior School for the performance of The Christmas Dream, a play written by the Year 2 children and Ms Zwalf, our Pre-Prep music teacher. The children dazzled with their costumes and enthusiastic dances. Every child in the Pre-Prep took part and enjoyed the collaborative effort. Our Year 1 children said ‘wow’ to their Reception friends after they did their soldier dance and the Madingley Kindergarten children were so excited to be dancing with the ‘big fairies’. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Pre-Prep staff for encouraging the children and in particular to Ms Zwalf for directing the play and enabling the children to share their musical talents on such a big stage.
At this festive time of year the Reception and Kindergarten classes have been learning how Hanukkah is celebrated. They spent a creative morning learning about Hebrew symbols when making dreidels and discovering how the Shamesh candle is used to light the 8 candles. It is a magical time of year for young children and both our Madingley and City schools have been filled with excited children. They have enjoyed celebrating with their friends and are ready to continue their celebrations with their families.
I wish all of our Pre-prep families an enjoyable festive break.
Sarah Holyoake, Head of Pre-Prep