Dear parents and guardians,
The culmination of all the hard work over the past two years is upon us with the IB examinations underway at the College and the A Level students about to go on study leave at the end of this week. We wish the students all the very best with their examinations and hope that they do themselves justice in the examinations.
The theme of this week's newsletter is ‘Connected’ and this immediately made me think about the students who are about to leave us in June. Just shortly before we broke up for the Easter Break, Melissa Santiago-Val our Alumni Relations Officer gave an assembly to the Upper 6th students about joining our alumni network and therefore staying connected with the Foundation after they leave.
We have 3,500 former students and staff in our vibrant alumni community across the world. This year at our Annual Alumni Reunion in June, we will be welcoming around 150 guests travelling from Bangladesh, Italy, France, The Netherlands, USA, Malta, South Africa and all across the UK for the event.
Our alumni have taken almost every direction possible, from polar explorer, racing driver, Olympic gold medallist, Master of a Cambridge College and eco & sustainability campaigner. These sit alongside numerous journalists, writers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, architects, actors and musicians to name a few.
Joining our alumni community connects the students with a network of people who share the same educational ethos and experience, and in many cases, can support recent leavers and students. A recent event saw 10 alumni returning to give advice to our Year 12 students in a Q&A panel about university life, alumni have offered leavers work experience, internships and mentoring, they also give talks during the Inspire and Guide sessions on a Friday morning and attend many other general events. In addition to being invited to alumni reunion events the students will receive alumni news, and in future we hope that many of our current leavers will also come back as an alumni speaker to inspire the next generation of SPF learners.
Best Wishes,
Naomi Atkins
Head of 6th Form and Vice Principal, 11-18