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  • Year 5 Girls' STEM Olympiad

    Published 09/01/23

    Teams of five girls from both of our Junior Schools, Fitzwilliam Building, Cambridge and Dame Bradbury’s, Saffron Walden, took part in the Year 5 Girls’ STEM Olympiad, hosted by Old Buckenham Hall School in Suffolk.

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  • Recent Leavers Gathering, 4 January 2023

    Published 07/01/23

    At the request of some of our 2020 GCSE alumnae, we invited the year group to gather for a catch-up over tea and cake with one another and some of their teachers on Wednesday 4 January at the Senior School.

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  • Japanese Partner School Visit

    Published 06/01/23

    We hosted colleagues from one of our partner schools, Keio Yokohama Elementary School, in September.

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  • A Tribute to former Junior School teacher, Sheila Cubitt, 1930-2022

    Published 06/01/23

    We were tremendously saddened to hear of the passing of Sheila Cubitt, a much-loved and long-serving former member of the Junior School staff.

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  • The Addams Family - Years 10-12

    Published 05/01/23

    Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa and orchestrations by Larry Hochman.

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  • Sports Update 11-18

    Published 04/01/23

    It’s been another busy term for sport at the Senior School and Sixth Form.

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  • Staff Pantomime raises money for the Big Give

    Published 03/01/23

    For the second year in a row, an intrepid bunch of teachers and staff members took to the stage to perform a staged reading of a pantomime in order to raise funds for The Big Give Campaign.

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  • Theatre visit to see Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of)

    Published 14/12/22

    Back in November we took a large group of drama students and scholars from Years 10-13 to see this hilarious production Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of) at the Cambridge Arts Theatre.

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  • Concours d’éloquence 2022 - French reading out loud competition

    Published 13/12/22

    Five of our students took part in the Concours d’éloquence 2022, a French reading out loud competition.

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  • Stephen Perse donates Apple iMacs to Young People in Need

    Published 12/12/22

    Stephen Perse has donated more than 20 state-of-the-art Apple iMacs to help tackle digital inequality in Cambridgeshire. 

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  • French play ‘No Exit’ at the ADC Theatre Cambridge

    Published 05/12/22

    Some of our Year 13 students went to see the French play ‘No Exit’ by Jean-Paul Sartre at the ADC Theatre in Cambridge and they really enjoyed it.

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  • The Big Give 2022: Raising funds for bursary places for young people displaced by conflict

    Published 02/12/22

    Stephen Perse Principal wants to offer school places to children who have been displaced by war.

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  • Remembrance Assembly

    Published 18/11/22

    Friday 11 November 2022 was a special day for us as a Foundation. For the first time, the Senior School and the Sixth Form came together for an assembly in the Sports Hall to collectively remember those affected by war.

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  • Reflection and Remembrance

    Published 17/11/22

    On Thursday 10 November, Year 6 from Junior School Fitzwilliam Building went to Latham Road for a morning of reflection and remembrance.

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  • Year 6 visit The Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial

    Published 15/11/22

    On Tuesday 8 November, Year 6 from Junior School Fitzwilliam Building and Junior School Dame Bradbury’s travelled to the Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial at Madingley.

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  • Ex-Chelsea player coaches Stephen Perse girls football team to success

    Published 14/11/22

    The Students at Stephen Perse Foundation senior school celebrated its U13 girls football team’s greatest achievement, as the squad scooped third place in the ISFA Regional Championships at St. George’s Park, just five years since its first ever match, when it lost by a humbling 20-0.

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  • Year 8 Student Yush Volunteers at the Rama Foundation

    Published 07/11/22

    In July 2022, Year 8 student, Yush D, joined his parents as a volunteer on a three week charity trip to India for Rama Foundation, a UK registered charity with a mission to build the capacities and the skills of socially and economically unserved communities in India.

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  • First year at Cambridge University - Reflections of a Stephen Perse alumna Elizabeth Eaton-Banks

    Published 02/11/22

    Back in August of 2021 I picked up my results from school and then headed down the road to buy my Fitzwilliam College gown.

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