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  • Sixth Form Student President Team introduces student passes to Cambridge Botanic Garden

    Published 04/06/21

    We spoke to Year 12 Nadia, Co-chair of Charities for the Sixth Form Student President Team, about successfully introducing free passes to the local Cambridge Botanic Gardens for Sixth Form students.

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  • Theatre enrichment students devise and perform 'A Play About Many Things'

    Published 02/06/21

    Through our theatre enrichment programme, Year 12 students have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of different options and to develop their skills in different theatrical disciplines. This year, one of the options on offer was devising theatre.

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  • Year 8 perform production of Beauty and the Beast

    Published 27/05/21

    Our 2021 Year 8 production of Beauty and the Beast feels like a particularly special achievement this year. It has taken a full 18 months to realise from start to finish but despite the unprecedented circumstances and the extraordinary challenges we have faced, we were finally able to complete the project in the last week of April 2021.

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  • Drama students solve murder mystery at live theatre experience

    Published 24/05/21

    As theatres begin to reopen across the country, we are looking forward to arranging live theatre visits for our drama students and scholars. In the meantime, our Year 9, 10 and 12 classes took part in a hugely enjoyable virtual live theatre experience.

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  • Year 12 students learn from recent alumni about renowned university courses and destinations

    Published 11/05/21

    The opportunity for Year 12s to ask questions on an informal basis from those Stephen Perse graduates who are currently studying at renowned universities was particularly welcome at a recent event organised by Dr Allison Curry, Head of Guidance and Careers. Hearing from recent alumni is always highly beneficial for students in the Sixth Form as they plan the next stage of higher education and career options.

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  • "It's so good to get out there again!" - local trips resume at Stephen Perse as Year 12 visit Southwold

    Published 10/05/21

    As Covid restrictions slowly ease, local trips at Stephen Perse are beginning to take place again. Recently our A Level geography students went on a field trip to Southwold, a seaside town in Suffolk.

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  • Dame Bradbury's uses origami, 3D models and more to develop their spatial learning skills

    Published 05/05/21

    Last week lessons across Dame Bradbury's Junior School focused on spatial learning, the ability to perceive, analyse, and understand visual information in the world around them.

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  • Parents invited to sign up for socially-distanced open day tours this autumn

    Published 26/04/21

    As lockdown eases and restrictions lessen, Stephen Perse has announced the dates of the open day tours at each school in the Foundation, so that parents may see the facilities for each age group and meet staff on site to talk about opportunities, the curriculum and how students thrive at all levels.

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  • Year 10 use career-matching tool to help choose their Sixth Form options

    Published 26/04/21

    As part of the Stephen Perse Guidance and Support programme, Year 10 have been taking the Morrisby Careers Profile Assessment.

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  • Biased or balanced?

    Published 19/04/21

    If a newspaper or magazine article is biased, it means that it takes sides and does not give a fair representation of both sides of an argument.

    If a newspaper or magazine article is balanced, it means that it does not take sides and it considers both points of view in an argument or situation equally.

    Year 6 were asked to have a go at writing two articles, one that presents a biased opinion of a news story and one that gives a balanced opinion. See Amy and Felicity's work below:

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  • In Memory of HRH Prince Philip

    Published 12/04/21

    A personal note from Dr Woodward, Award Manager at Stephen Perse for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE).

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  • Stephen Perse shortlisted for Tes Independent School Technology Award

    Published 26/03/21

    Stephen Perse has been shortlisted for the Best use of technology award category in the 2021 Tes Independent School Awards. The award recognises “measurable excellence in the use of education technology by a school” and is judged on the evidence that technology
    has had a positive impact on the educational outcomes of students, inside or outside the classroom.

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  • Year 9 drama student speaks to the BBC about the £400m pledged to the arts sector

    Published 26/03/21

    Recently Year 9 Alison alongside other members of the Young Actors Company, a collection of acting groups for up to 18 year olds, spoke to the BBC about the recently pledged £400m for the struggling arts sector.

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  • Year 12 talk to universities, alumni and professionals at our careers and guidance fair

    Published 18/03/21

    Following in the tradition of the last two years we were delighted to be able to host our Annual Careers and Guidance day on Wednesday 17 March.

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  • Year 12 speak to four world-renowned London colleges for university application advice

    Published 18/03/21

    On Monday we were delighted to welcome four London Colleges; London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Kings College London, University College London (UCL) and Imperial College London to give an interactive presentation to our Year 12 students on studying in London and competitive university applications.

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  • Year 12 take part in a virtual work experience workshop

    Published 02/03/21

    As part of our Sixth Form Guidance Programme, Year 12 students recently attended an annual work experience workshop, however, due to the country still being affected by the pandemic, the focus this year was on virtual rather than physical opportunities.

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  • Boarding students make their own pasta as part of an Italian cookery class

    Published 26/02/21
    Boarding students at St Barnabas House have recently taken part in an Italian cookery class given by the Head Chef. It was a chance to learn how to make new dishes and Year 12 Elise commented “it was really good fun learning how to make ra
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  • Year 12 art students visit the Curwen Print Study Centre to expand their knowledge of printing techniques

    Published 15/02/21

    Year 12 art students Sarah M and Lily R visited the Curwen Print Study Centre in Cambridge to gain a deeper understanding of a variety of printmaking techniques by having the opportunity to work with an array of specialised printing equipment.

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