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GCSE students can choose to continue with Latin as an optional subject; in addition, a two-year accelerated course in Classical Greek is available as an option. Students who are keen to study an ancient language may choose either Latin, or Greek, or both.

Classical Greek GCSE

OCR J292, 9-1

This course is a two year accelerated course: no prior knowledge of Greek is required, and by the end of the course you will have GCSE standard language skills and you will have read some original Classical Greek literature. The course is fast-paced, and if you are keen for a stimulating challenge then this could be the course for you.

Course content

In Year 10 you will work mainly on your knowledge of Classical Greek vocabulary and grammar. Greek is a fascinating language, and - through studying it - you will come across concepts which you may not yet have thought about, and you will practise using codes and information in a logical and accurate way. You will practise translating from Greek into English and from English into Greek, and throughout this year you will improve your understanding of the structures of language. You will work to a programme of regular learning and consolidation tests: the aim is to build a confident and accurate grasp of the language.

In Year 11 you will start to read original Greek texts. These will include an extract from one of Homer’s great epic poems: these date from nearly 3000 years ago and are the oldest existing works of Western literature. In addition to this you will read an extract from a prose text; this could be a law court speech or an extract from Ancient History, and through this study you will gain direct access to the remarkable world of Classical Greece.

AssessmentClassical Languages Trip

The GCSE syllabus is equally divided between language work and the study of original texts. For the language papers you will be expected to translate from Greek into English and to be able to answer some grammatical questions about the passage you are translating. The literature papers will test your knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the texts you have studied in class. There is no coursework.